Harlem World reports: Harlem’s Black and Jewish Music Culture 1890-1930 Exhibition


Facebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmailharlemworld3_26_13_2x2webHarlem One Stop’s very successful walking tour, Harlem’s Black and Jewish Music Culture 1890- 1930 Exhibition has been extended through April 30, 2013. Described as “Graphically spectacular”, the exhibit displays sheet music associated with performers, composers and musicians who resided in Harlem and performed at area venues dating back to the 1890’s and continuing into the period of the Harlem Renaissance.

For many of the Jewish composers like Gershwin, Hammerstein, and Richard Rodgers, as well as their African American counterparts, Ellington, W. C. Handy, James Reese Europe and others, Harlem was not just home, but the place where they honed and showcased their talents.

The walking tour includes historic Marcus Garvey Park and the neighboring 125th Street community and is conducted by Harlem historian and exhibition curator, John T. Reddick. The tours take place every Saturday and Sunday and depart from Ristorante Settepani 196 Lenox Ave and 120th Street at 1:00pm.  The price of the tour is $25 per person. For reservations and information call (917) 583-410 or email tourS@harlemonestop.org.