Iyanla Vanzant offers a “Fix-Your-Life” prescription In FORGIVENESS:21 Days to Forgive Everyone for Everything


FacebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmailIyanlaVanzant2x2webNew York Times best-selling author, legendary life coach, and host and producer of Iyanla: Fix My Life! Iyanla Vanzant challenges us to liberate ourselves from the energetic blockages and wounds of the past and embrace a new way of thinking and feeling-through the power of forgiveness. In her latest release, FORGIVENESS: 21 Days to Forgive Everyone for Everything (SmileyBooks Hardcover book with CD, December 3, 2013, ISBN: 978-1-4019-4361-5), Vanzant encourages readers to dive head-first and soul-deep into a 21-day journey through the practice of personal and spiritual growth and healing.

Forgiveness offers a powerful “get-clear” journal work intensive combined with the revolutionary EFT Energy Tapping technology. This process is designed to free the mind from issues and upsets rooted in our disowned thoughts, judgments, and emotions. Whether we are exploring relationship dynamics with loving or estranged parents, bosses, partners, children, frenemies, self, or even God, forgiveness helps us gain clarity, discover new levels of self-awareness, and live with more peace and love.

Iyanla encourages readers to establish a practice of forgiveness and use it to rebuild their lives. “Forgiveness is the way to overcome the blockages that stand in the way of creating loving, healthy, and fulfilling relationships,” says Vanzant. “Whether the challenge is forgiving yourself for your human shortcomings or forgiving the world, it is what we think that is at the root of personal transformation.”

In this special volume that includes a free CD of prayers read by the author, readers can learn how to embrace forgiveness in all relationships. “Even if forgiveness doesn’t make sense to you, do it!” urges the “guru of fixing lives.” “Why? Because only forgiveness can liberate minds and hearts once held captive by anger, bitterness, resentment, and fear. Forgiveness is a true path to freedom that can renew faith, build trust, and nourish the soul.”