Legacy Tribute To Dr. C. DeLores Tucker


Facebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmaila_peter_bailey2x2webThe Bethune-DuBois Institute (BDI), an education-focused and solutions-oriented organization founded by the late Dr. C. DeLores Tucker in 1984, will host a Legacy Tribute to her on Wednesday, May 22, 2013. The location is the DoubleTree by Hilton, 8727 Colesville Road, Silver Spring, MD 20910. The time is 6:00 p.m.-9 p.m.

Honorees at the tribute will include Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee of Texas and Michelle Milliard, Executive Director of the Walmart Foundation. “They have both been deeply involved in missions advocated by my wife, –assisting those yearning for knowledge and leadership development for those who have a commitment to public service,” says BDI Chair, William Tucker.

Dr. Tucker’s numerous accomplishments include being the first African American woman appointed as Secretary of The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, marching with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in Selma and leading a determined campaign against gangsta rap, the psychological toxin delivered to young people by what she called “the unholy alliance of gangstas in the suites and gangstas in the streets.”

She also, among other things, launched the successful campaign to have a bust of Sojourner Truth installed in the Capitol Building and created the visionary College For Teens program that helped to prepare students for higher education, academically and socially.

One of the most perceptive observations on Dr. Tucker was made by Hillary Rodham Clinton who noted that she “….gave a voice to those too timid or too intimidated to speak for themselves.”

A donation of $85 will be accepted at the door. Advance payment is also encouraged. For further information, please call A. Peter Bailey 301-562-8300 or email APeterB@verizon.net.