In honor of service: Request for President Obama to posthumously honor Colonel Charles Young and Navy Seaman Dorie Miller


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see the letter and the related attachment
In the days ahead, history will change so let’s be on the right side of history by recognizing our African American military heroes – like Buffalo Soldier Colonel Charles Young.

How can you acknowledge Buffalo Soldiers without giving due recognition for their leader – Colonel Charles Young, who has not been given the honorary promotion that we have requested from this Administration. When will the White House recognize that we must make right the wrongs of Colonel Young who rests in Arlington National Cemetery? The National Coalition has been trying for thirty- eight years to get Young, the third African American to graduate from West Point, his promotion.  Colonel Young was the highest ranking African American military officer at the time of his death in 1922. He deserved a promotion yet it was denied because of his skin color.

Contact: Charles Blatcher III       Phone:  510-467-9242 Email:







