Remembering Prince — Storm Entertainment releases a new tribute comic book biography


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Now available in both print and digital.

After his untimely death last month, Prince left behind more than a legacy of memorable songs, but bequeathed an indelible imprint on popular culture as well. Storm Entertainment captures this spirit in a new tribute comic book biography.

The 24-page comic book is written by Michael L. Frizell with art by Ernesto Lovera and Vincenzo Sansone chronicles his meteoric rise to dominance in the pop/funk music scene..  The one-shot features three collectable covers by Sansone, David Frizell, and Pablo Martinena.

“I first became aware of Prince’s music when I was in high school thanks to ‘1999,’ ‘Little Red Corvette,’ and others. I remember listening to his stuff almost religiously when the soundtrack to ‘Purple Rain’ hit. His sound and lyrics defined the era for me in ways that Michael Jackson didn’t and, quite frankly, couldn’t. The subjects of his songs spoke to me in ways I didn’t understand until I was older, but the dark poetry of them compelled me to keep listening. To this day, my iPod is full of his work, and I listen to it as I write.” said writer Michael Frizell.

Storm Entertainment president Darren G. Davis added, “I hope readers come away with not simply a sense of the richness of his life, but how he influenced practically every artist that came after; regardless of genre.”

Storm has published well-received tribute biographies of other musicians, John Lennon, George Harrison, Whitney Houston, Amy Winehouse, Michael Jackson, David Bowie and more.

“Tribute: Prince” is available on your e-reader from iTunes, Kindle, Nook, Trajactory, ComiXology, DriveThru Comics, Google Play, My Digital Comics, Overdrive, Iverse, Biblioboard, Flipkart, ComicBin,Axis360,  Blio, Entitle, Comicblender, Kobo and wherever eBooks are sold.

Print copies of Tribute: David Bowie can be ordered starting at $3.99 at Comic Flea Market by going to

Photo credit: Storm Entertainment:

About Storm Entertainment

Formerly known as Bluewater Comics, Storm delivers a multimedia experience unparalleled in the burgeoning graphic fiction and nonfiction marketplace. As one of the top independent publishers of comic book and graphic novels, Storm Entertainment unites cutting-edge art and engaging stories produced by the publishing industry’s most exciting artists and writers