African American Directors Forum-Pittsburgh to Drive More Diverse Board Placements


FacebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmailF.N.B. Corporation (NYSE:FNB) announced today its lead sponsorship of and participation in the inaugural African American Directors Forum-Pittsburgh (AADF). Drawing participation from board leaders across the United States, the AADF is an exclusive event designed to measurably improve diverse, and particularly African American, representation on the boards of publicly traded companies in the Pittsburgh region.

To be held on Wednesday, November 15, 2017, at the Duquesne Club in Downtown Pittsburgh, the AADF will directly connect more than 40 highly qualified African American directors and C-suite executives with leadership at more than 15 of Pittsburgh’s largest public companies. Attendees will also include a number of respected African American corporate leaders who are able to leverage their expansive networks and knowledge for placement opportunities.

In addition to providing a networking opportunity, the event program will feature value-added presentations and roundtable discussions centered on board service and the outlook for African American leadership in the corporate sector. These sessions will be anchored by respected industry and corporate leaders, including Kelvin Westbrook, President and CEO of KRW Advisors, LLC; John Rogers, President and CEO of Ariel Capital Management; and Earl Graves, Jr., President and CEO of Black Enterprise.

“As lead sponsor for the African American Directors Forum, FNB is proud to support the Pittsburgh business community’s efforts to increase diversity in our local boardrooms,” said Vincent J. Delie, Jr., President and Chief Executive Officer of FNB. “We recognize the importance of providing the next generation of directors and executives with an opportunity to network with existing corporate and board leadership, ensuring they gain access to the knowledge and perspectives of a number of the nation’s most respected corporate citizens.”

“With AADF, we are adding to the growing number of initiatives underway to incorporate diversity into the region’s reinvention and make these values part of Pittsburgh’s success story,” said David Motley, founder of AADF and a member of FNB’s Board.

While the primary goal of the inaugural AADF is to foster improved diverse placement practices in Pittsburgh, the event format is designed to be easily replicated in other markets.

“One of the most exciting aspects of the AADF is its potential to have an influential and far-reaching impact on diversity in corporate leadership and in procurement practices that can be readily replicated in other markets,” said Kelvin Westbrook, who will anchor the AADF panel discussion on “Delivering Value. Extracting Value.”  Mr. Westbrook, who in addition to his role as President and CEO of KRW Advisors, LLC serves as a board member for multiple public companies, stated further, “By increasing diversity at the top of the house, the AADF will ultimately create a more welcoming and rewarding environment for employees at all levels of the workforce.”

The inaugural AADF is being organized in collaboration with the Allegheny Conference on Community Development (Conference). One of the United States’ foremost civic leadership organizations, the Conference brings together public and private sector leaders to improve the economic future and quality of life in the Pittsburgh region. Support for this event is part of the Conference’s broader efforts to advance economic inclusion in Pittsburgh.

If you are interested in replicating the AADF in your region, obtaining more information or arranging an interview with an event organizer or participant, email