Ministers March for Justice – August 28, 2017


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The Department of Justice and the current Administration are undermining Dr. King’s Dream. We are marching to reaffirm that religious leaders will recommit to being at the forefront of social justice and civil rights.

As Dr. King marched for 54 years ago, we are still marching for:

  • Voting Rights
  • Healthcare
  • Criminal Justice Reform
  • Economic Justice

On Monday August 28th, 2017, we are calling on all religious leaders to join us in Washington, DC for the Ministers’ March for Justice. We are asking for clergy to commit to amplifying up messages centered on the Social Justice agenda, and participate in the grassroots efforts to hold Attorney General Sessions accountable for all peoples’ Civil Rights. Attached you will find a March deck that has more information.

If you plan to march, it is important you fill out this form to give organizers a headcount.

Monday, August 28th

11AM – Gather @ MLK Memorial

11:30AM – Pre-program @ MLK Memorial

12:15PM – Begin marching from MLK Memorial to DOJ (1.7 miles)