Career Girls® Launches New Website



Career Girls – a non-profit organization committed to providing young girls with the educational tools and support they need to achieve their professional aspirations – flipped the switch on its new-and-improved website,, the company announced. The online platform is re-designed to ensure all young girls and the educators, family members and mentors who guide them, can easily access Career Girls’ collection of over 10,000 women career role model videos and ready-to-use, girl-centric career exploration curriculum.

Non-profit delivers on its mission to “close the imagination gap for girls around the world” giving every girl easy access to career role models and a girl-centric curriculum

Research shows girls are more likely to consider careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) if they see someone successful who looks like them in those fields. focuses on STEM because they are the jobs of the future. The new site is designed so girls of all income levels and cultural backgrounds can be inspired by real women in these fields and other professions, and imagine all that they can achieve.

“We’re excited to reveal the revamped, now including over 140 career pages, more college majors to research and a greater emphasis on our growing ‘Empowerment Lesson’ video library,” said Linda Calhoun, Career Girls Executive Producer. “We’ve also added a ‘career quiz’ that helps girls discover fields of interest and created the ability to search by ‘career clusters,’ making it easier for girls and educators to engage with our resources.”

Closing the Imagination Gap for Girls Around the World

The new website includes:

  • Career Guidance Videos– Adding to the largest collection of short career videos (over 10,000) at every point in the career life cycle – updated weekly. Users can now search for more than 500 diverse women role models, by all of the major U.S. career clusters, sharing experiences and insights on different professions.
  • Free Career Quiz –  Discover careers you might like and how to prepare for them.
  • CareerDiscovery Tools – Learn about a specific career and what it takes to achieve it.
  • “Empowerment Lesson” Videos & Curriculum – Learn valuable soft skills and explore what it’s like to have a career in a particular field through short, thematic videos from role models who share straight-to-the-point insights and advice. Each video is paired with a professionally developed curriculum. also features college prep resources and real-girl testimonials about the career exploration journey.

For more information on Career Girls, visit, and follow Career Girls on TwitterFacebookInstagram and Pinterest to join the community.