Equality At The Box Office: Atom Tickets Survey And Data Reveals Women’s Movie Preferences



In celebration and support of Women’s Equality Day on August 26, Atom Tickets surveyed women to ask about their movie and genre preferences, as well as their opinions about gender representation in the entertainment industry. Armed with the survey responses, Atom also pulled in ticketing sales information to reveal top movies women showed up to support so far this year. (PRNewsfoto/Atom Tickets)

In celebration and support of Women’s Equality Day on August 26, Atom Tickets surveyed women to ask about their movie and genre preferences, as well as their opinions about gender representation in the entertainment industry. Armed with the survey responses, Atom also pulled in ticketing sales information to reveal top movies women showed up to support so far this year. Additionally, Atom launched a digital and social media campaign to promote Women’s Equality Day with a ticketing offer of half off a movie ticket for first time buyers with code FIFTY50.

Cast: An overwhelming number of women said they prefer to see a female and male duo (90%) in the movies rather than an all-male or all-female cast.  Another 40% of women revealed that they are still not satisfied with how females are portrayed in blockbusters.

Filmmakers: 95% of women revealed that they would like to see more women in filmmaking careers such as directing, producing, or writing. 12% of women stated that they prefer seeing content created by female filmmakers, while the majority of respondents said they don’t have a preference.

Genre: Women ranked their favorite genres as 1) action/adventure, 2) comedy and 3) sci-fi/fantasy. According to Atom Tickets’ proprietary ticketing data, the following is a list of this year’s top movies for each of the above genres that skewed the most female.