Ellis Island Honors Society Presents ‘Day of Honor and Respect’ Resolution to Congress

Chairman Kazeminy meeting with Rep. Tom Suozzi at the Capitol.

FacebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmailA Call for National Day of Tolerance and Appreciation on September 17

Photo: Chairman Kazeminy meeting with Rep. Tom Suozzi at the Capitol.

The Ellis Island Honors Society (EIHS) proudly announces the presentation of a landmark resolution to the White House and Congress, advocating for the establishment of September 17 as the “Day of Honor and Respect” which aims to promote understanding, tolerance, and unity among Americans, transcending cultural, ethnic, and religious differences, encouraging individuals and communities to reflect on the importance of mutual respect and the positive impact it has on society.

The choice of September 17th was chosen to commemorate Constitution Day, the day the United States Constitution was signed in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1787. The U.S. Constitution acknowledges diversity and tolerance through several key principles and amendments that ensure equal rights and protections for all individuals, regardless of their backgrounds.

Nasser J. Kazeminy, Chairman of the Ellis Island Honors Society, stated, “The United States has always been a melting pot of cultures and traditions. By designating September 17 as the ‘Day of Honor and Respect,’ we aim to celebrate our diversity, promote understanding, and remind every American of the common values that unite us. This day will serve as a powerful reminder of the strength we derive from our differences and the importance of embracing tolerance in our society.”

The Ellis Island Honors Society has a long-standing tradition of recognizing and celebrating the contributions of immigrants and their descendants. Since its inception, EIHS has honored American citizens, native-born and naturalized, from various ethnic backgrounds for their remarkable contributions to the nation, highlighting the importance of cultural diversity in shaping the American identity.

The resolution has garnered bipartisan support in Congress, reflecting a shared belief in the value of inclusivity and mutual respect. The EIHS encourages all Americans to join in this initiative by advocating for the passage of the resolution and participating in activities that celebrate the diverse cultural heritage of their communities on September 17. EIHS encourages everyone supporting this resolution to share their thoughts with their congressional representatives. Citizens can find their local representatives here: https://www.congress.gov/members/find-your-member

For more information about the ‘Day of Honor and Respect’ resolution and how you can support this initiative, please contact: Info@Eihonors.org

About the Ellis Island Honors Society:

The Ellis Island Honors Society was founded in 1986 to honor the contributions of immigrants to the United States. The Society’s mission is to promote the celebration of diversity and the positive contributions of all ethnic groups to the nation’s cultural, social, and economic well-being. Through its annual Ellis Island Medals of Honor, the Society recognizes individuals who have distinguished themselves through significant achievements in their field and inspired others through their work and actions.


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Otto Coca