Black Veterans Coalition Call for March 5th Solidarity Gathering for VA Employees…


FacebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmailBy: Charles Blatcher, III

 Chairman, National Coalition of Black Veterans

The veteran’s coalition is calling for a gathering on March 5th, at VA locations nationwide to show solidarity for those employed in the system to provide veteran services. The show of support is warranted from our constituency to those employed by the VA as service providers. While we may agree there is a need to modernize the nation’s approach to delivering services, we disagree with the demoralized manner the administration is currently using in the name of modernization. 

Many veterans rely entirely on VA services to meet their financial and healthcare needs. Those who are depending on receiving retirement and disability payments monthly should not have to wonder or worry if the payments will be received in a timely manner. Others rely on VA Healthcare services for essential medicines and treatments to sustain their quality of life. Stability is important to the quality of service and care delivered to those entitled to benefits. 

We invited major veteran organizations nationwide to join the one-day show of solidarity. They have been invited to rally at VA locations; administrative offices, outpatient clinics and hospitals to show support for the people working on our behalf. We requested them to invite their congressional representatives and local media to join them from 11: AM to 12:30 PM at the VA locations. We are requesting the gathering be held in a peaceful non-disruptive manner. The services provided are essential, and we aim to avoid any disruption to their delivery. 

For information about the gathering locations in your city, please contact your local Veterans Organization Chapter, e.g., NABVETS, Disable American Veterans, American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Iraq & Afghanistan Veterans of America etc., or the local branch of the NAACP to inquire about their participation. 

We hope you come out and show your support on March 5th.

It is better to fight to keep what we have than fight to regain what we have lost. 

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