We invite you to share your news and information and use our wire services! The members of our press, media and general market lists consist of journalists who are actively covering the diverse marketplace, and who continue to read our service for leads and information. We encourage journalists to contact you and share with you any story they have covered on your organization. Unity First Direct, Inc. has operated African American/Diversity Newswire and UnityFirst.com since 1998. Our clients range from small regional organizations and PR firms to large corporations and media companies.
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I. African American Newswire:
Targeting over 4,000 members of the African American/diverse press
African American /Diversity Newswire is distributed to over 2,000 members of the diverse press across the United States (Northeast, South, West, Midwest) with key concentrations in cities bearing large populations of diverse people. This service provides a direct link to the diverse press across the United States, including media representing the African American, Caribbean, African and international press. The service will distribute news, photos, press releases, corporate/ business announcements and community-based events and key listings to diverse media. Online Annual Sponsorships and Rates for press release distribution are also available, if desired. Key newslines include:
African American Newswire: African American Press Only (US)
Diversity Newswire: National – African American and Diversity Press (U.S. and International)
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II. Unity First Online:
Reaching diverse community and business leaders
Unity First Online carries news, information and releases to a broader network of industry, business and community constituencies across the U.S. and world who are interested in diversity issues or multicultural-focused news. A direct email newswire to African Americans and other diverse people, this newsline carries information to a diverse readership of more than 100,000, including a majority of African Americans, as well as other people of color, in key multicultural organizations, communities, and industry groups across the U.S. and beyond. Online Annual Sponsorships are also available, if desired.
To send your release via African American/Diversity Newswire or Unity First:
For online placements, advertising, job posts or newswire distributions
Contact: UnityFirst.com
(413) 221-7931
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“We make sharing your news with diverse markets our top priority.”
- Image, Outreach, and Visibility
- News and Information
- Resources and Relationships
Contact: Janine Fondon 413-221-7931 Email: jfondon@unityfirst.com