Open Letter to Black Veterans


By: Charles Blatcher, III, Chairman


Release date: October 24, 2020

Dear Black Veterans:

History has not all ways been kind or truthful in the remembrance and acknowledgment of the services of Black GI’s in the defense of the nation. We saw the history of the great General George Patton told without mention of the Black 761st Tank Battalion whose blood and guts carried him to fame in World War II. They spearheaded his drive through Europe and were the first Allied Force to reach the Rhine River bordering Germany. They suffered a casualty rate of fifty percent. It was not until 1978 when then the first Black Secretary of the Army, Clifford Alexander recognized them sacrifices and contributions. He presented the Battalion with the Presidential Unit Citation. We had to remind Steven Spielberg in the making of the movie “Saving Private Ryan” that Black GI’s were on the beach in Normandy on June 6th, 1944 as part of the D-Day Invasion. These are but two examples of how history has been distorted by our omission. 

Historically, we have showed up and made a difference through our selfless service in every times of national crises from the Revolutionary War forward. Many have worked tirelessly for decades to correct the omissions and misrepresentations of our history. 

We find ourselves again today in a period of national crises with the current political situation. There are overt efforts to suppress the Black Vote, and racial divisions are being promoted from behind the seal of the President of the United States. We are witnessing the undermining of democratic principles from the highest office in the land. The coming D-Day is November 3, 2020. We call on all Black Veterans to remember your commitment is to the Principles of Democracy and not an individual. Let us do as we have done in the past, rise to the occasion. Quoting Frederick Douglass the father of the Civil Rights Movement, “Strike a blow for Freedom.” Register and Vote. 

                                              Ready & Forward


The National Minority Military Museum Foundation 

Oakland, CA 

The American Legion-Charles Young Post #398 

New York, NY 

The Congressional Black Caucus Veterans Braintrust 

Washington, DC 

Los Banos Buffalo Soldiers 9th and 10th Cavalry Association 

Los Banos, CA 

The USCG National Association of Former Stewards and Steward Mates 

Laurelton, NY 

The Buffalo Soldiers Memorial Committee- Inland Empire Heritage Association 

Riverside, CA 

The Association of the 2221 Negro Infantry Volunteers World War II 

Ft. Washington, MD 

The 9th Memorial United States Cavalry Association 

Marana, AZ 

The National Association of Black Veterans, Inc

Milwaukee, WI 

The African American Patriots Consortium, Inc. 

Baltimore, MD 

The American Legion-Cook- Nelson Post #20 

Pontiac, MI 

The 9th and 10th Horse Cavalry Association 

Los Angeles, CA 

The 555th Black Paratroopers Association 

Tampa, FL 

The 369th Veterans Association 

Staten Island, NY 

The 715th Veterans Association 

Laurelton, NY 

Montford Point Marine Association, Inc. 

Limerick, PA 

761st Tank Battalion and Allied Veterans Association 

Chicago, IL 

The African American Gallery of the Ethnic Heritage Museum 

Rockford, IL 

The ACES Museum 

Philadelphia, PA 

Colonel Charles Young American Legion Post #682 

Philadelphia, PA 

The 13th United States Colored Troops Living History Association 

Murfreesboro, TN