Demand for Smartphones and Tablets Will Remain Strong Through 2017


FacebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmailEver since the introduction of Apples’ first iPhone in 2007, US and global market demand for smartphones has grown at a tremendous pace, with demand for mobile data following right behind. In 2009 Apple sought to repeat history in 2010 with the release of their iconic iPad. With premium market research from the world’s foremost publishers, Global Information, Inc. looks at how all of this change is shaping the markets for Smartphones and Tablets in the US, UK, and Australia across five important reports.

Smartphone Market Forecast & Opportunities to 2017

The demand for smartphones has increased exponentially all over the world, encouraging many vendors to enter this lucrative market. They have been followed by application developers. The smartphone is arguably the most significant technological advancement of the last decade, as it has moved world to a place where everyone can be connected to everything, all the time. Smartphones will define an entire generation of opportunities and growth.

Understanding the growth curves of key markets is absolutely critical for players in this space. The United States leads the global adoption curve and represents the most mature market for smartphones. The state of the market in the US can be used to analyze likely endgame scenarios and outcomes as other markets around the globe mature. TechSci Research’s US smartphone market forecast to 2017 offers the insight companies, governments, and developers will need to stay ahead of this incredibly fast-moving industry.

The UK, in contrast, has lagged slightly behind the US market in smartphone uptake, which leads TechSci to forecast remarkable growth and penetration in their UK smartphone market forecast through 2017. After an astounding 300% uptake over the past decade, the UK market is still projected to grow at a CAGR of over 20% through 2017, pushing smartphones from 50% up to 80% of all mobile phones, and driving the market value to over $4.3 billion.

Canada’s growth has been slower, but their market is experiencing some upheaval as native son RIM witnesses the end of its long history of dominance. Even so, the Canadian smartphone market forecast through 2017 predicts a healthy CAGR of 13%, with Apple outpacing both RIM and Samsung over that time period.

Australia, like the UK, has also witnessed tremendous growth tripling the size of the smartphone market over the last 4 years, and while the Australian smartphone market forecast through 2017 is the slowest of these four – at a CAGR of 10% over 5 years – the market is still expected to reach over $3.72 billion (US) in that period.

US – Tablet PC Market Forecast & Opportunities, 2016
Similar to the launch of its revolutionary iPhone product, Apple’s iPad completely reshaped the tablet PC market landscape on a global scale by selling tens of million units in just the first year after its launch. This complete upending of the tablet PC market can be credited to the fact that consumers realized that a gadget handier than a laptop, more powerful than a netbook, and more comfortable to use than a smart phone could actually exist. In 2011, the global tablet PC market reached $35.3 billion, and is expected to continue to grow rapidly into 2016. The tablet market in the US alone is anticipated to grow at the CAGR of around 10.8%, especially following wide acceptance and increased demand from the enterprise sector.

TechSci’s “United States Tablet PC’s Market Forecast & Opportunities, 2016” forecasts phenomenal growth in the US tablet PC market. Current trends and market acceptance of the tablet is rising, which will lead to significant growth in the short term. Major drivers for the tablet market will be ease of use, increased battery life, improved mobility, enhanced multitasking, instant on/off capability, and the incredible and increasing breadth and scope of software applications for various platforms.