As A Black Woman, Janice Ellis Faced Sexism, Racism And Sexual Harassment In The Workplace



Am I Woman And Then Black Or Am I Black And Then Woman? Asks Janice Ellis In Her Provocative New Book, From Liberty To Magnolia: In Search of the American Dream

From Liberty To Magnolia: In Search of the American Dream (February 1, 2018) by Janice Ellis, Ph.D., is the story of her personal pilgrimage of growing up black and as a woman during the tumultuous times in America in the 1960s and 1970s when blacks (through the civil rights movement) and women (through the women’s liberation movement) were seeking and demanding equal access to all the rights and privileges afforded other Americans.

“In her book, enhanced by family photos, Ellis sets her personal battles within the context of the civil rights and feminist movements, both of which helped fuel her determination. She recounts stories of sexual harassment that are especially relevant in today’s #MeToo environment. An engrossing personal tale…. this account offers an important historical perspective on two continuing struggles.”  The Kirkus Review

What better time than now to examine how these two seminal and defining events played out in the life of an ordinary African-American woman who believed in all of America’s promises? What better moment than today to look deeply at the life of a woman who prepared herself and worked tirelessly to achieve her goals only to realize that many still lay beyond her reach and that of most women and most blacks?

“Readers of this book will find that my life journey, in many respects, represents a microcosm of what this historic period has meant for millions of African Americans and millions of women—then and now,” says Dr. Janice Ellis. And not only did she face racial discrimination in the workplace but sexual harassment as well, being denied promotions when she rebuffed the advances of her managers more than once during her career.

Which is the greater burden being woman, or being black? Imagine the burden of being both, and being triumphant.

This powerful memoir is engaging, enlightening and inspirational. A Discussion Guide is included for book clubs, classes, and forums.

Book is available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and other book sellers.