Black Veterans Call for Congressional Black Caucus to seek a Hearing on Human Rights Violations against the United States in the World Court….

By: Charles Blatcher, III Chairman National Coalition of Black Veteran Organizations
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Publication date: May 31, 2020
On the behalf of Black Veterans the Coalition issued a petition on Move-On.Org calling for public support in seeking the Congressional Black Caucus to request a Hearing before the World Court on Human Rights violations against the United States of America. 
Cities across the nation are in turmoil with protesters in the streets, structures burning and looting. Let us not get this twisted or let others do so, this is not the doings of the majority our youth and many others supporters. Some parties with less than honorable intent is using the occasion to cause mayhem and destruction. Sure, we can call for members of the public to stop the protest, but then “what?” What is the game plan? Or, do we expect them to stop and wait for the Government who has shown it is blind and tone deaf to the injustices to do “What?” America’s leadership has no credability speaking of equal justice. The nation has maintained a duel system of justice from its inception. 
I have mentioned on past occasion that we believe America is in a mental state of turmoil. White America has been dismissive of the suffering and double standards subjected on Black/Brown and other Minority citizens. As an example of its insensitivity, recently White men armed with rifles marched on State Capitals. The demand was for State Governments to order Black and Brown people in the labor market back to work. The demand was not because the environment was now safe to return. Instead, it was because they are tired of the inconvenience of services. 

  “Black Lives Matter.” The recent murders of Gregory Floyd, Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery has caused many young people to join in the street protest. They are protesting for good cause, however putting their lives at farther risk to make the point. In addition, they like many other Black Americans live in a state of Post-Traumatic Stress because of the double standards of justice we have been subjected. Regardless, there is a need for dialogue between the Government and the Black population of this nation. We cannot continue to function under the doctrine of business as usual. 
 Our goal is to collect signatures between now and Veterans Day, November 11, 2020. The petition will be present to the Congressional Black Caucus to demonstrate public support for the issue of Human Rights in America to be elevated to the World Court for Hearings. The request would demonstrate our leader’s determination to address the issue while sparing greater risk of exposure to the virus to those protesting in the streets. We understand the lack of trust and faith in the system. Hopefully, knowing the Congressional Black Caucus is being asked to pursue justice through the World body will help stem the violence while meaningful redress is sought. 
We believe the Hearings would resonate around the world. The United States is not alone in the practice of racism. The Hearings may give other countries the impetus to improve their Human Rights standings. It would give America the opportunity to explain or not, its position in maintaining or changing its duel system of justice. The Hearings would be up-lifting to the Black Citizens of this Nation and an education on Black American History to the rest of the world.
  In closing, please go on-line to the following link and sign the Petition.
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