Studio Samuel Celebrates International Day of The Girl 2020

Studio Samuel students' stories in action.

New York/Addis Ababa-based NGO and non-profit organization Studio Samuel, which empowers girls in Ethiopia to reach their potential through education and employable skills, is participating in International Day of the Girl for the ninth year with a virtual event. “100 Girls: Enrolled, Educated, Empowered” will take place on October 11 at 8pm East Africa Time | 5pmBST | 1pmEDT | 10amPDT.

Studio Samuel’s “100 Girls: Enrolled, Educated, Empowered” theme and the organization’s mission run parallel to UNICEF’s International Day of the Girl campaign, “My Voice, Our Equal Future,” which calls for adolescent girls to assert their power as change-makers, to learn new skills towards the futures they choose. Studio Samuel will shine a light on the girls in its Training for Tomorrow program, including a graduate of the inaugural class, Betty: “I’m an entrepreneur and employ ten women in my community because of the leadership training and job skills I learned at Studio Samuel.”

Special guests will recognize students during the International Day of the Girl event, kicking off with an opening message by Studio Samuel’s Global Ambassador, multi-faceted artist, and Founder of The White Feather FoundationJulian Lennon. UK Ambassador and singer-songwriter Izzy Bizu, whose mother and cousins volunteer regularly at the training center, will speak about the girls and impact. Whoopi Goldberg, a champion of Studio Samuel, states: “These girls are out to make their lives better and you are helping.” The broadcast will be hosted by Ethiopian journalist, speaker and community advocate Hannah Joy Gebresilassie, and Kenyan artist, drummer and cultural entrepreneur Muthoni Drummer Queen will close the event with a performance.

The goal of the “100 Girls: Enrolled, Educated, Empowered” event is to provide the incoming class of 100 students with scholarships ($500/one year; $1,000/ full 2-year tuition). Studio Samuel is inspired by the formation of a global community that is connected to its students in Ethiopia. 

Studio Samuel is grateful for its event sponsors, The Midtown Group and The Menopause Movement.

About Studio Samuel

For more information, please contact: Sarah Landy | | 917.828.3247