The Executive Leadership Council issues the following statement in response to recent events fatally impacting the Black community. Here is an excerpt of their statement: Racism, in any form, is unacceptable to The Executive Leadership Council (ELC).The ELC unequivocally denounces all criminal and racist acts of violence against our people.
The pandemic of racism has been left unchecked and unaddressed for centuries. It is incomprehensible that at this time, the Black community is also facing the global COVID-19 pandemic. We are dying and suffering in disproportionate measures to the majority population.
The ELC will be an ally to corporations and our partner organizations in navigating this critical time. We continue to illuminate the pandemic of racism as a business concern in its own right. As such, corporations should take ownership in stopping anti-Black sentiment and actions, both overt and covert, just as they would any other corporate social responsibility issue. We cannot combat these issues alone. Theirs is also an imperative voice of leadership and accountability that must be heard. We commend our partners and member companies who are demonstrating courageous leadership by taking a stand and speaking out on the heinous acts and disparities driven by racism against Black people.
The ELC’s mission is to create a pipeline to increase the number of Black executives in the C-suite and on corporate boards, and to increase Black Excellence in our community. The vision is much simpler: to see Black people treated as equals. It is incomprehensible that in 2020 we are still focusing on our basic right to live. We are unapologetic about the change that must occur and embrace the ability to use our voice and power to effect this change. We stand ready to support our member companies and the business community in making this necessary change.