Top Black Travel & Tourism Thought Leaders to Collaborate in Support of Helping Black Travel & Tourism Businesses and Cultural Institutions

Broader diversity, inclusion and equity in travel and tourism industry

The Cultural Heritage Economic Alliance, Inc. (CHEA) is bringing together top Black travel and tourism thought leaders to collaborate in support of helping Black travel and tourism businesses and cultural institutions survive during and thrive beyond COVID-19. The Economics of the Black Travel & Tourism Ecosystem: Dollars & Sense Webinar Series kicks off Thursday, June 11, 2020 at 1pm EDT via Zoom. 

Confirmed panelists include Elliott Ferguson, president, Destination DC & board chair, U.S. Travel Association; Dr. Erinn Tucker, co-founder, DMV Black Restaurant Week; Jason Dunn, Sr., chairman, National Coalition of Black Meeting Professionals (NCBMP) and GVP, Cincinnati USA CVB; and Betty Jones, founder, Travel Professionals of Color (TPOC). Moderated by Solomon Herbert, publisher & editor-in-chief, Black Meetings & Tourism, the virtual webinar will address leveling the playing field and advancing Black travel and tourism stakeholders in the U.S. and global tourism Industry.

CHEA, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, in partnership with Cultural Heritage Alliance for Tourism, Inc., Black Meetings & Tourism and Visit Tampa Bay are leading this effort with support from collaborative members of the National Black Travel & Tourism Ecosystem Collaborative.

Stephanie M. Jones, founder & CEO, Cultural Heritage Economic Alliance, Inc. says, “Lack of broad collaboration among local, state and national Black travel and tourism organizations and influencers has limited economic equality, sustainability and opportunities for Black travel and tourism businesses and cultural institutions within the tourism industry both nationally and globally. Advancing economic equity, diversity and inclusion in the industry is now even more imperative as our nation is compelled to address disparities and racial injustices across the board.”

The collaborative consists of Black travel and tourism thought leaders, business owners, association founders and CEOs, destination marketing executives, Black travel media, educators and others who support or influence Black travel and tourism working collaboratively to level the playing field and create broader diversity, inclusion and equity in the travel and tourism industry.

“This collaborative is all about people working together to leverage their collective power and influence for the common purpose of strengthening and broadening the economic impact of the Black travel and tourism ecosystem,” says Solomon Herbert, publisher & editor-in-chief, Black Meetings & Tourism.

Corporations, organizations, nonprofits, and other entities whose work supports or influences Black travel and tourism in the U.S. and Caribbean on local, state and national levels are encouraged to join the National Black Travel & Tourism Ecosystem Collaborative.

Learn more about the collaborative and register for webinars at