Save Ourselves Productions’ Lawrence “Larry” Watson releases tribute reel in honor of Tyre Nichols


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A professor at Berklee College of Music in Boston, MA, Lawrence “Larry” Watson has more than 35 years of performing experience throughout the world. He was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. For Black History Month, Watson released a tribute reel in honor of Tyre Nichols as well as performing at his alma mater. Watson, a 1974 SUNY Oswego graduate and renowned performer, will present an admission-free evening of emotional music, exploration and recollections at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, Feb. 6, in Tyler Hall’s Waterman Theatre and via livestream.

Lawrence “Larry” Watson said: “We will start this Black History Month 2023 in mourning, as we grieve the execution of Mr. Tyre Nichols at the hands of five African American policemen and others in positions of responsibility.” Today, February 1, Save Ourselves Productions LLC. will release the song “Half Empty Glass” written by Lawrence “Larry” Watson and Miklos Malek to honor the lives of the ghastly number of Black men and Women executed by American Police officials while the remainder of the Black population peoples of color is enduring daily life under some form of House Arrest.


About the song: “Half Empty Glass” and its moment in history

Watson notes: “The song “Half Empty Glass” affirms the treacherous battle we have fought since we first arrived in America. It has been unrelenting and is conquering civil and human rights we thought we had been victorious in solidifying permanently into the consciousness and American culture. We were wrong!  King and Malcolm were wrong. We cannot be convinced after January 6th to see the glass of water as half full. It is almost empty. We can no longer inspire this generation by asking them to wait a little longer or see our struggle optimistically. We have no choice but to “pull yourself up as only you can and play out the hand that you’ve been dealt. POUR FAITH IN YOUR HALF-EMPTY GLASS. In addition to the American court system demonstrating little humanity with millions of Black and Brown people populating our state prisons around the nation, we have seen former United States Presidents using the “bully pulpit” of the Office of the Presidency to condone and promote the alarming membership increases in White Supremacy hate groups. Black and Brown people in America are confronted with a national crisis. The three branches of the Federal Government appear impotent.” 

Watson has paid tribute to many icons: From music great Berry Gordy to world leaders including Nelson Mandela

Watson continues to write and arrange music that captures the experiences of Black and Brown people’s treacherous sojourn in America. His music focuses on the struggle for social justice and challenging the rigor-changing shades of institutional racism. Watson’s recordings include “The Journey,” “Prescriptions” and “American Fruit with African Roots,” from which he will draw many selections for the performance. He has appeared on TV shows, films and the documentary “American Experience: The Fisk Jubilee Singers” on PBS, and played at major music festivals and venues all over the world.

Watson recently added to his credentials by publishing a long-awaited book of original music and all-time classic standards. Titled “H.E.M,” it stands for and focuses on what he refers to as “Highly Emotional Music.” The book offers 33 classic songs with accompanying illustrations by young artists of color in this insightful look at the social history of people of African descent through their popular musical forms.

His activities also include serving as founder and executive director of Save Ourselves Productions and Consulting, which also encompasses international musical and educational efforts. He has worked for Harvard University and a number of other educational institutions.

Speak with Lawrence “Larry” Watson:

Lawrence Watson speaks to audiences all over the world to address students, CEOS, communities, leaders, and educators. He also performs at a range of events. If you would like to interview Larry Watson or discuss an opportunity to meet or feature him via Zoom or in-person, please call (413) 221-7931 or send email to You may also go to: or