NAACP Joins Coalition of Black Veterans in Call for Statue of Legendary Buffalo Soldier in Washington, D.C.


FacebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmailBy: National Coalition of Black Veteran Organizations

(Photograph rendering by: Antonio Tobias Mendez)

On February 17th, the National Board of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People embraced the National Coalition of Black Veteran Organizations in its efforts to establish a statue of Brigadier General Charles Young in the nation’s capital. The document titled “NAACP Resolution Statue on Washington Mall & National Parks Honoring Brigadier General Charles Young, USA” called on the National Museum of African American History to provide the project one hundred square feet of ground to erect the statue. 

The Coalition have bronze maquettes of now Brigadier General Charles Young on display at the Kentucky African American Heritage Culture in Louisville and The Buffalo Soldiers National Museum in Houston, Texas. The following link will direct you to a You Tube presentation of the inspection of the maquette mold before casting. The sculptor for the project is Antonio Tobias Mendez. 

There is a unity of purpose between our coalition and the nation’s oldest civil rights organization. Both recognize and understand the correlation between Black Military History and Civil Rights. Frederick Douglass established the relationship when he called for Black volunteers to fight in the Civil War. Our organizations recognize the significant role Black Veterans have played in influencing the political/economic, and social changes in American society in general. 

The NAACP has been a long-time endorser of Coalition activities. We carried their endorsement for the General’s posthumous promotion campaign up to the project’s recent successful completion. They are also endorsers of the call for President Joseph Biden to grant the Medals of Honor to Seaman Dorie Miller and Petty Officer Charles Jackson French for actions during War World II.  


The endorsement of the NAACP for the statue is important and welcomed. We look forward to having a representative from their organization serve on our special committee. The purpose will be to conduct meetings with the National Museum of African American History and Culture, and to be identified primary stakeholders, reference the ground space requested on the property. We are optimistic in our ability to raise the funds necessary to erect the statue once we receive a commitment on the land usage. We anticipate following up with committee activities as we progress. 

See the “Prelude to the Statue” publication.

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