Smith College Campus School 270 Students in Grades K-6, Coed The Laboratory School of Smith College Northampton, Massachusetts


FacebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmailThe Smith College Campus School is conducting a national search for a dynamic, accessible, and visionary educational leader with a commitment to promoting child-centered practice, preparing future educators, cultivating a caring community, and supporting the ongoing learning of teachers.

Founded in 1926, the Campus School was established as a laboratory school to serve as a research and learning site for Smith College faculty and students in education, child development, and psychology.  The principal will work in close collaboration with the Department of Education and Child Study to continue and enrich the Campus School’s long -tradition of innovative, research-based practice in teaching and learning.  The ideal candidate is an excellent communicator, mentor of teachers, and champion of practices that help foster creativity, agency, personal responsibility, and academic excellence for students and pre-service teachers.

Duties and Responsibilities: Lead an instructional and curricular program that is informed by high quality, innovative research and practice • Support a program of student services that responds to the individual needs of children and families • Promote pre-service teacher education and interest in educational research • Build and sustain a strong sense of community within the School • Be active, engaged, and visibly present in classrooms and in the daily life of the School • Foster a program of rich and robust professional development for teachers • Cultivate collaborations within the Department of Education and Child Study, the College and the local community beyond the College • Teach a course in the Department of Education and Child Study • Collaborate with the leadership team on core School functions including:  assisting the admissions director to ensure that the School’s admissions efforts results in the revenue needed to meet the budget; working with the Department of Education and Child Study to manage the School’s budget effectively; and, increasing philanthropic support of the School

Qualifications: • Master’s degree is required and an advanced degree considered an asset • Significant teaching and administrative experience, preferably at the elementary and/or middle school level • Commitment to diversity, and multiculturalism, and supporting a range of learners; skill in building inclusive communities; and ability to navigate diverse cultural and social situations with ease • Strategic thinker who can collaboratively engage the various constituencies of the School community in formulating and working toward shared vision and goals • Intellectual and professional curiosity and a creative and entrepreneurial spirit • Warm, approachable presence which invites and respects the views of others, while also demonstrating decisiveness when necessary

Reviews of applications will begin in April 2013, and will continue until the position is filled.  Submit application at with cover letter explaining your interest in the position; curriculum vitae; a 750- to 1000-word statement of educational philosophy on the place and role of a laboratory school in a liberal arts college; and the names, phone numbers, and addresses of five references. Questions regarding the search should be directed to Jennifer Silver, Assistant Director, Human Resources (, tel. 413.585.2288)

Smith College is a member of the Five College Consortium with Amherst, Hampshire, and Mount Holyoke Colleges and the University of Massachusetts Amherst.  Smith College is an equal opportunity employer encouraging excellence through diversity.