National Black Veterans Coalition and Omega Psi Phi Fraternity announce a gathering at Arlington National Cemetery in honor of the legendary Buffalo Soldier, Colonel Charles Young.


Facebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmail Dr_andrew_charles2x2webWashington, D.C.– The National Coalition of Black Veterans and Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., proudly invites members of the House of Representatives, retired military Flag Officers, representatives of the Black veterans community, the press, and the public to join us as we commemorate the life of American soldier and military leader, Colonel Charles Young.

Colonel Young had an exemplary career and was the highest-ranking Black commanding officer in the U.S. Army from 1894 until his death in 1922.  “It is not an exaggeration of the facts to say that every Black Flag Officer from Brigadier General Benjamin O. Davis, Sr., to former Secretary of State, General Colin Powell owe their opportunity of advancement through the Flag Ranks to Colonel Charles Young,” says Coalition chair, Charles Blatcher III. “They reached their stars standing on his shoulders.”

“Omega Psi Phi is honored to join in a program in recognition of Colonel Young,” says Dr. Andrew Ray, Grand Basileus. “His life’s work thoroughly represents our four Cardinal Principles of MANHOOD, SCHOLARSHIP, PERSEVERANCE and UPLIFT. Colonel Young met the many formidable challenges with courage and fortitude. He pressed on through life, not because of, but in spite of the never-ending challenges.”

On Wednesday, June 5th representatives of the Coalition and Fraternity will gather at his grave to celebrate the 90th anniversary of Col. Young’s interment in Arlington Cemetery. We invite the public to join us as we trumpet the achievements of this great Buffalo Soldier and renew our call to have him posthumously appointed Brigadier General by President Barack Obama. The Reverend Dr. Fred Douglas Smith, Jr., Professor of Urban Ministry at Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, DC will address the gathering with words of spiritual enlightenment, followed by comments from Chairman Charles Blatcher III, Grand Basileus Dr. Andrew Ray, and other distinguished guests. The trio will present the Colonel with a ceremonial star wreath in honor of the unselfish contribution he made in paving the way for Blacks in the officer’s ranks of the armed forces, as well as to commemorate the official proclamation from President Barack Obama naming his home in Wilberforce, Ohio a National Monument.

The Coalition has been working diligently to see Col. Young promoted to the honorary rank of Brigadier General. In addition to raising his rank, we hope to erect a statue in his honor that will be the first portrayal of a Black military officer on horseback in the nation’s Capitol.

The program will commence at 2:30 PM on June 5th but guests are asked to arrive at 1:30 to board the buses that will escort us to the grave site. A private dinner will follow to honor the 35 Congressional Representatives who have joined the Coalition in calling on President Obama for a promotion proclamation honoring Colonel Young. The guest speaker for the “Evening on Capitol Hill Dinner” will be Dr. Sandra Jowers-Barber, Professor of History from the University of the District of Columbia. The topic of presentation will be the “Importance of Black History.” The dinner is by invitation only.

Date: June 5th
Time: 1:30 PM

Arlington National Cemetery

For additional information on the program contact the coalition at: