Association of Black Cardiologists Announces New President, Board Chair and Executive Committee Members



The Association of Black Cardiologists (ABC), an inclusive organization dedicated to eliminating disparities in cardiovascular diseases, has recently installed John M. Fontaine, MD, MBA, FACC, FHRS as its 17th President and Cheryl Pegus, MD, MPH as its first woman Chair of the Board of Directors.

“I am confident that Doctors Fontaine and Pegus will continue the ABC legacy of outstanding leadership in the battle to eliminate healthcare disparities,” remarked Malcolm Taylor, MD, chairman of the Nominating Committee.  Shown is Cheryl Pegus, MD, MPH – Chair of the Board, Association of Black Cardiologists (ABC)

In leading the 44-year-old organization, Dr. Fontaine has said he will focus on promoting its educational and community programs, establishing new initiatives and strategies to enhance existing outreach and continuing to pursue increased minority patient participation and inclusion in clinical research and Precision Medicine projects.

Dr. Fontaine is a Professor of Medicine at Drexel UniversityCollege of Medicine and Director of Arrhythmia Services. He possesses an MBA in Healthcare Management and is a member of the Beta Gamma Sigma International Honor Society. He is board certified in cardiovascular medicine and clinical cardiac electrophysiology. Dr. Fontaine also was the Program Director for clinical electrophysiology fellowship training for several years and for the general cardiology fellowship training program at his institution for over 10 years. He also served on the Clinical Trials Review Committee and the Electronic Signaling and Ion Transfer and Arrhythmias study section at the NIH for a number of years. He is a Life member of the ABC and served three non-consecutive terms on the board of directors and was Chairman of the bylaws committee.

“It is a privilege and honor to serve as President of an organization whose mission I believe is virtuous and noble,” said Dr. Fontaine. “I envision that the mission can be accomplished through the continued education of healthcare providers and patients, in collaboration with our corporate, non-profit, academic and governmental partners and through strong advocacy for equitable healthcare policies.”

Dr. Pegus currently serves as a Clinical Professor of Medicine and Population Health at NYU School of Medicine. She is the President of Caluent, a healthcare data analytics company, a Director of Tactile Medical (Nasdaq: TCMD), Cogentix Medical  and US Acute Care Solutions (USACS). She has more than 25 years of clinical practice and operational industry experience. She was the first Chief Medical Officer for Walgreens, a National Medical Director at Aetna and is the past Chair of PCORI’s Healthcare Delivery and Disparities Research (HDDR) Advisory Panel. She has published many peer-reviewed studies, presented at national and international conferences and mentors many future healthcare leaders. In 2000, Dr. Pegus established a scholarship for minority students at Weill Cornell Medical College.

“I am honored to work with my colleagues at ABC and further the mission of this organization founded by Dr. Richard Allen Williams,” Dr. Pegus said. “Increasing diversity in cardiology and meeting the needs of minority patients is as needed today as it was then. Value-based care, telehealth solutions and use of analytics to personalize care offer innovative solutions and new partners for ABC to achieve our goals of improving care.”