Page 11 - UF May Issue
P. 11
4oth anniversary of Asian Pacific Heritage Month
Panda Express celebrates the journeys of Asian Pacific American icons
May 2018 marks the 40th
anniversary of Asian Pacific
American Heritage Month
(APAHM), which celebrates the
culture, history, traditions,
achievements and
contributions of Asian
Americans and Pacific
Islanders in the United States.
Peggy and Andrew
Cherng, Co-founders of
the World’s Largest Asian
Restaurant Concept
Panda Express is proud of its Asian American heritage. "As an immigrant-founded business, we have been fortunate
America's favorite Chinese kitchen celebrates Asian Pacific to realize the American Dream through Panda Express," said
American Heritage Month (APAHM) with a short documentary Andrew Cherng, co-founder of Panda Restaurant Group.
highlighting the perseverance and humility of APA luminaries "Many Asian Pacific Americans have contributed so greatly to
including Connie Chung, the first Asian American to co-anchor this country, and we hope to inspire the community with their
a national newscast; Michael Chang, the youngest male to win stories. We will continue to seek ways to pay it forward,
a Grand Slam title in tennis; and Peggy and Andrew Cherng, honoring the heroes who have broken barriers and helped to
the co-founders of the world's largest Asian restaurant develop a lasting legacy for all who have come to America in
hope of a brighter future."
As part of the company's APAHM celebration in May, Panda An American-born company, Panda Express began its journey
Express released the #Trailblazers video online, highlighting as a one-unit family owned business in Southern California
the dreams and obstacles of Chung and Chang, along with the known as Panda Inn. The restaurant was founded by Chinese
Cherngs, all of whom are part of a legacy of APA luminaries immigrants who valued the grit and determination it required
who inspire others to better their lives and reach to overcome adversity on the path to success, and because of
unimaginable goals while overcoming adversity. These APA this, the company has successfully grown to more than 2,000
"firsts" share a commonality in their pursuit of the American stores worldwide and will celebrate its 35th anniversary this
dream and offer words of wisdom and encouragement to year.
motivate future generations.
The Cherngs have carried their core values of humility and
This year marks the 40th anniversary of APAHM's existence, perseverance into their business with a people-first mentality,
as an official resolution for the celebration was signed by believing that the more you give to the world, the more the
President Jimmy Carter in 1978. As a celebration of Asians world will give back. Panda Express strives to create a family-
and Pacific Islanders within the U.S., APAHM is a time to pay centric work environment and treats its associates as such,
homage to the contributions of the APA community that have with personal and professional improvement opportunities as
enriched America's history and contributed to the nation's well as development classes to provide opportunities that
strength and diversity. Shared APA values such as hard work, they may not otherwise have.
gratitude and deep sacrifice particularly characterize the
community's heroes.