Global diversity and inclusion tipping point – New report by The Winters Group highlights nine diversity and inclusion trends that will redefine the future


Facebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmailmaryfrancis2x2webThe Winters Group, a 29 year old global diversity and inclusion consulting firm based in Washington, D.C., and Charlotte, NC, has just released a report called “The Global D&I Tipping Point: Nine Key Trends in Diversity and Inclusion” to share research data, facts and trends on diversity and inclusion with corporations, organizations and individuals who are trying to define the world we live in today and understand its potential for the future.  2012 was a tipping point for many diversity and inclusion (D&I) issues in the U.S. and around the globe and this report helps you understand new facts that are driving the trends.Get the diversity and inclusion research, facts and trends — it’s not just business as usual.

The report is available online for $29 at  .

Coverage of the trends in the report include: country by country charts, graphs and comparisons, implications, recommendations, and  practical “to dos” for D&I practitioners and leaders Mary Frances Winters, founder of The Winters Group and lead author of the report, says, “In 2012, we saw a number of defining moments, many of them controversial and misunderstood, that will require the attention of D&I experts as well as organizational leaders this year and beyond.”

This 70 page report will help corporations and organizations incorporate these key trends in their strategic plans for the future. “This report is a must read for HR professionals, D&I practitioners and leaders who want to understand the changing global landscape impacting talent acquisition, development and retention as well as their marketplace,” says Winters.  “It is also a must-have tool and resource for professionals across all industries and disciplines, including educators who need relevant information about today’s diverse world and global trends that will shape our future.” Get the diversity and inclusion research, facts and trends — it’s not just business as usual.

Here are a few “not just business as usual” highlights from this in-depth report that lists the nine key global trends in diversity and inclusion that D&I practitioners as well as industry leaders and educators need to pay particular attention to:

• A complete shift in global attitudes about LGBT issues such as gay marriage is at the top of the tipping point list. The report chronicles LGBT legislation from country to country. While laws are rapidly changing in this area, the report shares a summary of approaches to same-sex marriage and adoption by country.

• The new global workforce: Many U.S. based Fortune 100 companies have more than 50% of their employee base situated outside the United States making intercultural competence an imperative.  The reports shares, global trends, statistics, predictions about the new workforce which will be increasingly female, young, and non-white.

• More than one billion women will join the global workforce over the next decade putting gender issues front and center for leaders. Female participation in the workforce in Latin America has risen faster than in any other region in the world. The report details key  facts relating to women and gender inequities in the U.S. and beyond.


Get the diversity and inclusion research, facts and trends — it’s not just business as usual. The report is available online for $29 at  .