Government of Haiti rejects violence against members of the Gay and Lesbian community and pledges to vigorously prosecute perpetrators of hate crimes


Facebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmailhaiti_flag2x2webThe government of Haiti declares that it will not tolerate any acts of hatred or violence against individuals or groups and that it will vigorously prosecute all offenders.  Inciting or conducting any acts of violence against individuals or groups is severely penalized under the nation’s constitution and code of criminal procedure.

In recent weeks several lamentable acts of intolerance and violence against members of the Gay and Lesbian community have occurred.  These acts have regrettably been carried out by a few individuals who are unrepresentative of the vast majority of law abiding citizens of Haiti.

The government of Haiti is bound by the Constitution of 1987 whose article 19 expressly reads: “The State has the absolute obligation to guarantee the right to life, health and respect for the human person for all citizens without distinction, in conformity with the Universal Declaration of the Rights of Man.”

Members of the Gay and Lesbian community in Haiti are citizens whose rights are expressly protected by the constitution that guides our conduct as government and as citizens.  The law enforcement authorities will do their utmost to insure that all citizens are afforded the protection afforded to them by the laws and the constitution of Haiti.