Latin American Consumer Market projects GDP of almost $15.14 trillion — with Highest Number of High Net Worth Individuals in Brazil


Facebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmailbrazilianflag2x2Mega Trends are transformative, global forces that define the future world with their far reaching impact on business, societies, economies, cultures and personal lives. In the last decade, Latin America has shown tremendous growth supported by the strong macroeconomic reforms implemented during the 1990s. Global Information (GII) highlights a report below covering 12 mega trends for the Latin America region with potential scenarios and the implications of these trends.

The future expansion of Latin America’s consumer market means increased opportunities in the Latin American consumer finance. The region is also witnessing a dramatic rise in the number of high net worth individuals (HNWIs), particularly in Brazil.

Mega Trends in Latin America

In addition to strong fiscal reform, external demand for the significant wealth of Latin America’s natural resources has pushed the region to the frontiers of development. This report identifies Mega Trends that will create new growth opportunities and increase the region’s growth over the next decade. At the core of these trends that will define the future consumer market of Latin America is its projected 661 million people and combined GDP of almost $15.14 trillion in 2025.

An Executive Summary for this report and free sample pages from the full document are available at

Emerging Opportunities in the Latin America Consumer Finance Market: Market Size, Strategies, Products and Competitive Landscape

With positive growth projected for the consumer finance market in Brazil, Mexico and Chile, overall prospects for the consumer finance market in Latin America appear favorable. In Brazil, GDP grew by positive annual growth rates of 7.5% in 2010 and 3.8% in 2011. Looking to the future, Brazil is expected to invest a total of BRL1.3 trillion into housing, construction, and infrastructure development during 2011-2014. These investments are expected to support growth in the consumer finance market, especially the mortgage lending category, over the forecast period.

Brazil – The Future of HNWIs to 2016: The Latin American Giant

Brazil is teeming with high net worth individuals (HNWIs). Brazil is home to more affluent billionaires, centimillionaires, and millionaires than other nations in the Latin America region and also ranks as the third highest among all the BRIC countries.

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