In Studio TV with Janine Fondon shares stories of inspiration and action—State Senate Candidate Amaad Rivera, Donna Haghighat of the Women’s Fund and two local animators—Katie Taccone and Michelle Moore


FacebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmailBy Rachel M. Carkhuff

Lights! Camera! Action! The latest In Studio episode can be found on West Springfield Public Access TV’s Channel 15 YouTube page. Watch it now! In Studio is a monthly show featuring opportunities, resources and inspirational stories from the Greater Western Massachusetts community and beyond. In Studio host Janine Fondon, a professor at Bay Path University, sat down with four wonderful guests: Amaad Rivera, a local State Representative candidate, Donna Haghighat, CEO of The Women’s Fund of Western Massachusetts, Michelle Moore, artist and animator, and Kathryn Taccone, co-founder of Open Pixel Studios, a local animation company.

“Watch the show to see what they say about life in a society that continues to change amidst deep complexities, challenge, change and hope,” notes Janine Fondon. “The guests share resources, opportunities and examples of how positive growth begins with taking the first steps—no matter the adversity or uncertainty. This show is especially filled with resources for young women and examines some key issues that must be explored as Primary Day (September 4) and other upcoming elections approach.”