Black Women Voters Age 50 and Over Will Help Decide the Balance of Power  in the Next Election 


New Research from AARP Shows Black Women Voters Are Concerned About Rising Prices, Retirement and Feeling Unheard by Elected Officials  

New research by AARP in partnership with pollsters Celinda Lake,  Christine Matthews, Kristen Soltis Anderson, and Margie Omero found that only 17% of Black  women have made up their mind about who they will vote for in the 2022 election. Roughly half (53%) of these voters say they will not make their decisions until weeks or just days before the  midterm election.  

“Black women 50 and over are worried about pocketbook issues, the future of the nation and  feeling left behind by their elected officials,” said Nancy LeaMond, AARP Chief Advocacy and  Engagement Officer. “The vast majority of these women haven’t made up their minds about how  they’ll vote in November. Candidates would be wise to listen to their opinions and concerns.” 

According to an AARP survey, Black women 50 and over are more likely to be optimistic about  the economy and their personal financial situation than women 50 and over of other races and  ethnicities. The majority (56%) say the economy is working well for them personally, compared  to 52% of 50-plus women overall who say the economy is not working well for them. However,  they still have significant concerns. 

• Nearly two-thirds (63%) say rising prices are the most important thing to them personally  when thinking about the economy, and (81%) are concerned about their income keeping  up with rising costs. 

• Black women 50 and over are also worried about Social Security being there when they  retire (75%) and having enough saved for retirement (22%). 

Political division in the country is also a concern among Black women voters age 50 and over,  and they are unimpressed with the job elected officials are doing on a range of issues, including  their dominant concern of rising prices.  

• Significant majorities give elected officials D/F grades on issues, including prices rising  faster than income (80%), the wage gap between the rich and poor (77%), crime (76%),  race relations (72%), and the costs of health care and prescription drugs (70%).A recent focus group hosted by AARP with Black women 50 and over also shows they are very  worried about the economy and feel unheard. Most see the country as in trouble, and many are  concerned about financial pressures, age discrimination, and the dangers facing younger  generations, like racial profiling. Almost every Black woman said they feel ignored by  politicians today, and many described themselves as “invisible” at work and in public life.