South African Airways Salutes Tata Nelson Mandela


Facebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmailmonwabisi_kalawe2x2webMonwabisi Kalawe, South African Airways Group CEO, recently issued the following statement regarding the late Nelson Mandela:

“We salute Tata Nelson Mandela as the father of South African democracy, and acknowledge that South African Airways (SAA) today is the leading carrier on the African continent due to his iconic and legendary statesmanship.

Tata Mandela is the father of nations, a revered global icon, a revolutionary, a diplomat, a former President and a beacon of greatness that is celebrated all across the world. This is a man who compassionately offered close to seven decades of his life serving others. He sacrificed 27 years of his freedom to ensure that all South Africans are free.

Each of us can learn from his commitment and selflessness in serving the people of South Africa. His infinite wisdom helped this country to achieve its greatest achievement yet – to free ourselves from the shackles of Apartheid and transform into, in an exemplary and peaceful manner, a democracy.

His memory lets us carry ourselves as Kings and Queens of our vibrant nation. Let us continue to fight for the spirit of equality and also be grateful for the myriad of opportunities that we have now because of this African legend. It is because of this global South African icon that the South African national carrier can connect people from all over the world and from our beloved South Africa. In his memory we will continue taking our country’s proud flag of freedom and our icon’s legacy across the globe. It is because of this father of many nations that SAA is able to help build South Africa into a country that we can be proud. In his memory, let us always pursue excellence.”