National Organization for LGBT Business Leaders Launched Executive Pride is America’s first network of “Executives Advancing Equality”


Facebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmailexcutive_pride_logoNational Organization for LGBT Business Leaders Launched Executive Pride is America’s first network of “Executives Advancing Equality”

Executive Pride, a national network for LGBT corporate executives, has begun recruiting members for its unique member-based organization. The organization has been developed by philanthropist and entrepreneur, Mark Curry.

Executive Pride is designed to be a network for business leaders who believe in equal rights for the LGBT community. Members will invest their time and resources in programs that advance public education and advocacy for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender rights. Executive Pride will collaborate with existing LGBT organizations to provide them with resources that enable them to fight for equality in every community throughout America. With a focus on apprenticeship, networking, and educational opportunity, Executive Pride will leverage its members’ resources to support LGBT youth as they climb the corporate ladder in America’s largest and most successful companies.

“Now more than ever, America’s LGBT business owners and executives should be able to embrace who they are and demonstrate leadership to LGBT youth in corporate America,” said Mark Curry, philanthropist and founder of Executive Pride.

“It is critical that America’s corporate executives use their success to pave a road for the next generation of LGBT business leaders. I encourage my fellow LGBT corporate executives and their allies to join Executive Pride. Together we can empower the next generation to be true to who they are while they pursue their goals to become executives in corporate America.”

Executive Pride will begin a membership drive in September, 2015, inviting all LGBT corporate executives to join the organization. In January, 2016, Executive Pride plans to launch a membership drive for its Youth Council, which will provide aspiring corporate executives access to the Executive Pride network of members and support for their entrepreneurial initiatives.