Page 20 - 2016septissue
P. 20



                                                 Alex Gordon (shown left) of Boston will be taking
                                                 part in the Ride for Food, a charity bike ride. He
                                                 will support the Urban Farming Institute (UFI)
                                                 with a team of 6 riders on Sunday, September

                    1 2$15t0h,0. T0h0efoteraUmF2Iw. ill bike 25 miles to raise

                                                 Alex is currently a Junior at Curry College and
                                                 has worked for Mattapan Food and Fitness
                                                 Coalition & Mattapan on Wheels for 5 years. He
                                                 has always been a proponent of healthy living,
                                                 healthy eating and healthy biking.
                                                 The Urban Farming Institute's main work is to: (1)
                                                 train the next generation of urban farmers
                                                 through our hands-on, paid, apprenticeship
                                                 program; (2) acquire and develop urban
                                                 farmland across the city of Boston; and (3)
                                                 educate community members through

                    3 cpounbfleicrepnocliecsyatnodsuwpoprokrsthuorpbsaann2fda3ramdivnogc.ate for

                                                 TO DONATE: Go To
                                        & look for
                                                 Donate to Rider and click on Alex Gordon.
                                                 UFI website:


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