AIM for Healthy Living – Healthy Choices Lead to Healthier Living & Happier Families



RELEASE: May 2, 2011
Contact: Aujah Fairbain, Co-Chair of AIM for Healthy Living
617.789.3309 or



Media Alert

AIM for Healthy Living – Healthy Choices Lead to Healthier Living & Happier Families

To further advance the National Campaign for Healthy Living, Roxbury Community College leads the way by hosting a Free Health Fair for the Entire Family in Roxbury, on Saturday, May 14th, from 1:00 to 4:00 pm in its StudentCenterBuilding Cafeteria, 2nd floor.

The Goal of the event, according to co-chair Aujah Fairbain, is “to educate members of our communities with a ‘whole body approach’ by offering nutrition guidelines, exercises for all body types to reduce obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease, high cholesterol, diabetes, asthma and tools for stress management, prevention of violence and support for those who suffer with alcoholism and/or drug addiction.”

Join the Families of the Newton Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc., for an afternoon of fun-filled activities for adults and children that include: Free health screenings; health insurance information; Zumba Classes; Massage; Yoga Clinics; a Moon Bounce; and Games for all Ages while enjoying healthy snacks.

This initiative, to raise Healthier Families by making Healthy Choices for Healthier Living, is made possible with the generous support of our sponsors: CVS Pharmacy; Stop & Shop; Boston University Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine; Whittier St. Health Center; Sportsmen’s Tennis Club; Dana Farber Cancer Institute; The American Cancer Society; National Bone Marrow Registry; and many more.