Efficacy Institute launches its 2013 Student Success Program


Facebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmailssp_photo2x2webSSP 2013 will be offered at Bentley University in Waltham, MA —  June 24-28, 2013.

Success NOW

SSP (Student Success Program) is an innovative program that equips students with the tools needed to help them navigate to a lifetime of success. This 5-day residential experience for students entering grades 8-12 who attend academically rigorous schools will get students on the fast track to college and beyond. The program will be held at Bentley University, Waltham, MA from June 24 to June 28.

Enrollment is open now! Visit www.efficacy.org and click the SSP logo to learn more about the program and register!

The SSP aims to help students:

  • Boost their confidence and develop greater ownership over their academic and professional goals, increasing their investment and motivation in school
  • Recognize that having a quality life means more than achieving academically; it also means showing strong character and being a positive, contributing member of the community
  • Create a dialogue about the challenges they face, and build a network of peers from across the U.S. who are in similar academic environments that can be called upon throughout the school year
  • Expand college options and learn techniques that can support college success
  • Connect their family histories to present-day opportunities, and begin thinking about the kind of legacy they would like to leave

SSP includes five days of efficacy curriculum, coupled with fun-filled evening events meant to promote students’ thinking about the world around them.All educational and recreational programming, lodging, and meals are included in the total SSP cost. Applications and full payment are due by Friday, May 3.

To reserve your child’s space at one of the upcoming Student Success Programs,  go to: www.efficacy.org and click on SSP (Student Success Program) logo.