NYC’s Baruch College holds “Black in the Boardroom ” event


FacebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmailSONY DSCThe panel discussion tackled some of the key issues regarding diversity in Corporate America.
Panelist visited from EY’s Assurance, Tax, and Advisory practices with different backgrounds as far as race, gender, and age to create a dynamic discussion.
It was a great opportunity to network with EY professionals, and a great opportunity to meet the new Baruch EY Recruiter (Jena Burgess).
The event allowed students the opportunity to ask important questions regarding diversity and served as an opportunity to showcase your personal brand to be considered for future EY opportunities.
Here are some comments from the students:

“There are so many things that I’ve learned about the Jewish religion just from working in a diverse team…Of course there will be technical things to work around: if there is a project that we need to get done by Monday, I know to get a lot more work in on Thursday and Friday because from sundown on Friday to sunset on Saturday they cannot check emails” – Busola Oyefesobi

“I’ve never felt that I had to work twice as hard because of my race. I work twice as hard because I’m a hard worker. It’s a cultural thing.” – Busola Oyefesobi

“I don’t work twice as hard because of my race. I work harder because I want to succeed” – Jena Burgess

“I learned to leave the people who were holding me back. At the end of the day, they will not pay your bills. Don’t be afraid to leave rid yourself of the negative influences” – Joseph Wehle

“ It’s good to have a mentor that is from the exact same background as you but make sure you have that diversity; make sure you have a mentor that looks nothing like you. “ – Busola Oyefesobi

“Your work speaks for itself “ – Ugochi Chilaka