Jazz Vocalist Cheryl Barnes Lands Two Major Music Awards


FacebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmailCherylBarnes3x3_72Michael B. Sutton, President, iMERICA Entertainment, announced that accomplished jazz vocalist Cheryl Barnes has just been awarded two major jazz music awards from the Black Women in Jazz & The Arts Association. Mr. Sutton commented, “What a great moment for Cheryl. Everyone here at iMERICA along with her distribution company GJ Tunes/CPI couldn’t be happier for her. Truly what a great moment for this accomplished lady.”

Ms. Barnes received the two prestigious 2015 BWIJA awards earlier this week. She received the coveted Best Black Female Record of the Year for her highly acclaimed “Like Jazz” release and she also received the annual honors for Best Black Female Video of the Year for her “Like Jazz” music video of the same name.

Ms. Barnes shared, “It’s such an honor to be recognized by this organization as they focus on Black women and women of color within the arts.  In the last few years I have realized that it means a great deal to me personally that achievement is recognized. I chose my path at a young age hoping that I might reach individual hearts and souls. When I was young I might have been giddy about such honors but today I would not even remotely consider taking such recognition lightly.  These awards mean so much to me personally and to my husband as well I might add, Phillip Cabasso, who is my Music Director and collaborator. I am enjoying life and now this, what a great time in my life to receive them, what a wonderful acknowledgement. Thank you”

Sha Battle, Founder/CEO of Black Women in Jazz & The Arts Association shared, “We’re proud to present Cheryl Barnes with this awesome and prestigious award in both categories. Her style is smooth, sultry, eclectic, and her voice is beautiful and mesmerizing.”