Page 14 - 2016septissue
P. 14

Hip Hop Activist with Sri Lankan roots, Ahmen
     releases “Our Time” with hope in unity

Enough of the          Activist Ahmen is once again
frustration - this is  stirring the pot of social and
the anthem for         political upheaval on his powerful
people shaking         new single, “Our Time.” The track
up the status quo.     and the video for “Our Time”
Ahmen presents         continues Ahmen’s message of
OUR TIME ft. Jos J,    hope that the people, when
the powerful lead      united, can bring about solutions
single from his        to longstanding problems like
new album “If not      racial and social conflict in
now then when.”        modern America. Ahmen has
                       been identified as a “Rising Star”
                       by New York Nonprofit Media,
                       who named Ahmen one of their
                       2015 40 Under 40. “Our Time” is
                       the first release from Ahmen’s
                       forthcoming album, due out this
                       summer. More information on
                       Ahmen is available at

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