Lifting Every Voice: Lawrence Watson


FacebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmailHere is an excerpt from Lawrence Watson’s full remarks (visit him on Facebook the full article):  “ We will experience a ‘new’ America tomorrow. On Wednesday, we will either embrace women, gays, seniors, people of color, persons with disabilities, Moslems, Palestinians and Israelis as full human beings with full rights- or we will descend into a cesspool of hatred, indifference and pathology about our abundant future. There is no benefit of doubt left.

There is no room left for intellectual dishonesty. You are either for me or against me. Wednesday we will awaken to a New America. I hope it is an America I still believe has the capacity to transcend race and fear of difference. If it is not, I will know just who to blame. How will “Americans” respond to this referendum on our collective future? The decision is not mine. I am praying with my eyes open.