UnityFirst.com Honors seeks nominations


Facebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmail….please submit the name of an  individual, business owner, or corporate leader  who you feel qualifies as a role model example of leadership, diversity and/or inclusion. We want to recognize ‘leaders by example’ — men and women who are making a difference in corporations, businesses, organizations and/or communities. We want to share these stories  so that the world can appreciate the positive actions that drive success in this diverse world and inspire new generations. Please submit a paragraph that highlights a brief profile of the person or organization you wish to submit. You may include a photo, web site or any related information to: info@unityfirst.com by August 31, 2012. Also, let us know if you are interested in  promote your business or  corporate initiative in the 2012-2013 National Diversity Resource Guide. For  more information,  call (413) 221-7931 or send email to info@unityfirst.com.